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Zilberberg's Biography & Bibliography



Claude Zilberberg

Claude Zilberberg, Docteur d'État, was born in France in 1938. He is co-director of the Paris Intersemiotic Seminar.

For more than 20 years, Claude Zilberberg has been analysing the effects of applying tensive modelling (which he introduced, with Fontanille) as an overlay onto the foundation of Greimasian semiotic theory.

Selected Bibliography

In French

ZILBERBERG, C., Une lecture des Fleurs du mal, Paris: Mame, 1972.
ZILBERBERG, C., Essai sur les modalités tensives, Paris/Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1981.
ZILBERBERG, C., L'essor du poème. Information rythmique, Saint-Maur (France): Phoriques, 1985.
ZILBERBERG, C., Raison et poétique du sens, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988.
ZILBERBERG, C. et J. FONTANILLE, Valence/valeur, Limoges: Presses de l’Université de Limoges, 1996.
ZILBERBERG, C. et J. FONTANILLE, Tension et signification, Liège: P. Mardaga, 1998.
ZILBERBERG, C., Éléments de sémiotique tensive, Québec:, Presses de l’Université Laval, (à paraître).

In Spanish

ZILBERBERG, C., Semiotica tensiva y formas de vida, Puebla: 1999.
ZILBERBERG, C., Ensayos sobre semiotica tensiva, Lima: Universidad de Lima, 2000.

Zilberberg's Theories

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