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Semiotics Theories available on Signo

Introduction and tools for Semiotics

The Theorists and the Theories



■ Derrida

■ Deconstruction and Différance

■ Eco

■ Semiotic Process and the Classification of Signs, ■ Textual Cooperation, ■ Modes of Sign Production

■ Fontanille

■ Tensive Model

■ Genette

■ Narratology

■ Greimas

■ Actantial Model, ■ Figurative, Thematic and Axiological Analysis, ■ Thymic Analysis, ■ Semiotic Square, ■ Veridictory Square, ■ Narrative Program, ■ Canonical Narrative Schema

■ Hjelmslev

■ Semiotic Hierarchy

■ Jakobson

■ The Functions of Language

■ Klinkenberg

■ Sign Structures

■ Kristeva

■ Semiology of Paragrams, ■ Semanalysis. Engendering the Formula, ■ Subject in Process

■ Peirce

■ Peirce's Semiotics, ■ Peirce's Esthetics

■ Rastier

■ Interpretive Semantics, ■ Semic Analysis, ■ Semantic Graph, ■ Ontology and Veridiction in Dialogics

■ Riffaterre

■ Text Derivation, ■ Poetic Language, ■ Literariness and Significance

■ Todorov

■ Semiotics of Todorov

■ Wittgenstein

■ Wittgenstein's Language Games

■ Zilberberg

■ Tensive Model

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